C++ Input/Output : Streams
This blog has been migrated to learn c programming for beginners In this article, you will learn about Streams Based Input/Output in C++ . The input/output operations which involve keyboard as input device and screen as output device are known as Console I/O operations . The input/output operations which involve file as input device and output device are known as File I/O operations C++ Input/Output implement concept of stream .It is an object-oriented alternative to C's FILE-based streams from the C standard library.Stream is the sequences of bytes or flow of data , which acts as a source from which the input data can be obtained by a program or a destination to which the output data can be sent by the program. Input Stream : It is flow of data bytes from a device (e.g Keyboard , disk drive) to main memory Output Stream : It is flow of data bytes from main memory (i.e program) to a device Stream Class Hierarchy Stream class is the collection of data and ...