Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to C Programming . You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. You are given 3 to 4 options , you have to click on option until you are right.
This blog has been migrated to learn c programming for beginners In this article, you will learn about copy Constructor and where to use it. Also, you will learn about different troubleshooting related to it. This constructor has an argument of an object of same type or same class as a reference.This constructor has an argument of an object of same type or same class as a reference. This constructor has an argument of an object of same type or same class as a reference.This constructor has an argument of an object of same type or same class as a reference. An Example to Begin With This constructor has an argument of an object of same type or same class as a reference.This constructor has an argument of an object of same type or same class as a reference. a add (a c , a d) { a sum ; sum = c + d ; return sum; } Output Loading weapon features. Loading bomb features. Loading gun features. This constructor has an argument of an object of same type or same class as a r...
Print pattern in C You will be able to : >> Design any kind of pattern >>Understand element of pattern designing >>Understand patterns >>Understand loop in c >>Understand Sequence analysis What is Pattern? A pattern is set of same or different kind of things that represent definite geometrical shapes or size. Geometrical shape can be Triangle Square Pramid If you look above picture than difinetly you will find repetition of shapes or color in definite manner . It's example of pattern. For Creating sucessfull Pattern , You must know Loop Element of pattern Sequence analysis of pattern Loop loop are the control statement . They are used when programmer needs to execute certain part of program for definite repetation Different kinds of loop are For loop While loop Do while loop Among these for loop is used when the number of repetition is known. Although while and do-while loop can be us...
This blog has been migrated to learn c programming for beginners In this article, you will learn about Streams Based Input/Output in C++ . The input/output operations which involve keyboard as input device and screen as output device are known as Console I/O operations . The input/output operations which involve file as input device and output device are known as File I/O operations C++ Input/Output implement concept of stream .It is an object-oriented alternative to C's FILE-based streams from the C standard library.Stream is the sequences of bytes or flow of data , which acts as a source from which the input data can be obtained by a program or a destination to which the output data can be sent by the program. Input Stream : It is flow of data bytes from a device (e.g Keyboard , disk drive) to main memory Output Stream : It is flow of data bytes from main memory (i.e program) to a device Stream Class Hierarchy Stream class is the collection of data and ...
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